A specialized course under Environment

About the Course – Wilderness Reserves and Wildlife

 Defining “wilderness” is every now and then challenging because the phrase has many extraordinary usages: it is occasionally used very loosely or metaphorically in casual conversation, and on occasion very precisely, for example as a biological descriptor, or as a protected place classification in land use statutes. Adding to the complexity is the reality that the term “wilderness” refers to a set of qualities, such as wildness, intactness, and remoteness, all of which are to some degree contextual and subjective to interpretation.

However, the phrase wilderness is not so elusive that it defies definition. The WILD Foundation defines wilderness areas as: The most intact, undisturbed wild herbal areas left on our planet – those remaining truly wild places that humans do no longer control and have not developed with roads, pipelines or other industrial infrastructure.

A wilderness area is a region where the land is in a natural state; where impacts from human activities are minimal—that is, as a wilderness. It may also be called a wild or herbal area.

 Listed here are some of the principal objectives of the course.

  • provides safe homeland for protection of hundreds plant and animal species, that live in old and natural-structured forests or in other natural habitats
  • supports the measures to decrease the biodiversity loss
  • protects old growth and natural forests or other habitats
  • involves scientists and scientific institutions to the process to obtain professional knowledge on topics such as non-intervention regime, Wilderness, issues around climate change, bark beetles management, water conservation, protection of the watershed areas
  • encourages targeting scientific research on the “areas of conflict” (for example the areas attacked by bark beetle) so that biologist and nature conservationist can respond to different, often confusing arguments of others land managers
  • increase the chance to better understand functioning of protected areas across different habitats in different European countries
  • provides opportunities to experience Wilderness personally

Course Available by Providers

The courses are generally provided at Foundation, Diploma, Bachelor (UG) and Master (PG) levels.

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