My name is Applicant Nameand I wish to apply for a Masters in Agricultural Science at UNIVERSITY NAME, Toowoomba, Australia. I was born on DOB in Municipality, Nepal. I am married to. We got married on. He is applying as my dependent to Australia since his presence there would give me a chance to give my 100% in my studies.


I did my School Leaving Certificate from and passed in the year 2014 with 78.38% After that, I School and complete intermediate level ( major subject science) and successfully achieved first division in the year 2016 . Immediately after that, I admitted in a and passed in 2020 on securing 61.90%. This is my four years bachelor level on science major on Botany. On the 15th of july e 2021 I gave my pte exam where I scored an overall of 65 (L – 68, R – 58, W – 63, S – 80).



In Nepal, the course that I am interested in – Masters in Agricultural Science is offered at Tribhuwan University, Pokhara University and BPKIHS. Since the course isn’t as widely available as one would like, the number of seats available is scant (about 10 to 20 maximum). Also, the courses do not really follow practical methods. Moreover, the course contents don’t get updated regularly which doesn’t make the degrees globally recognized as well. The institutions in Nepal do understand the value of this course but cannot afford to make it available for as many students as they like partly because of the lack of proper infrastructure and also because of the lack of required technologies to cater to the needs of many students. Also, it takes 3 years to complete a Masters degree in Nepal where I can complete the same degree in 2 years from Australia. Students need to go through different entrance examinations in Nepal to get admission due to limited seats on such courses. Moreover, the education system of Nepal still follows the age old rote system for the students to memorise rather than teaching them to learn by participating. Nepalese degree is not globally competitive as well where an international degree will get high priority for the job in Nepal as also it opens the door to apply for the international job as well in different countries. Nepalese Universities are not listed in the top 500 Universities in the world which means these Universities have not good ranking in the global ranking of Universities.

 Also, studying abroad is not only getting a degree but it is also an opportunity to explore new technology, international environment, people culture and time management system. I can exchange culture and ideas with students from many countries in Australia. So for all these reasons I decided to pursue my studies abroad. While doing research for the same course in Nepal I used the following web link also www.mastersinscience.tu.edu.np www.educationsanjal.tu.edu.np



I choose Australia for its quality education history and many other factors. The other countries that were in my mind were – the USA, the UK, Canada, Finland, Germany, Norway etc. Australia is far safer and better as a place to live than the USA whereas it is also more affordable than the UK. The reports of senseless gun violence in America on a daily basis have given my parents a good scare and hence they have suggested that I not decide on studying there. Furthermore, in the USA, students are required to give tests like the SAT which is time consuming. Also, it takes 3 years to complete Masters in US and fees are relatively pretty high but I can complete the same degree from Australia in just 2 years where I can save my whole 1 year time and fees, living cost etc. Whereas, not only is Australia safe, the only test result that Australia asks for is IELTS\ Pte. The UK is international students’ second choice after the US. However, since the expense of education and living is pretty high, it will be hard for people like us to afford the English degree. Also, there is no language barrier in Australia as opposed to the European countries or countries like Japan, China, etc. In Australia, one can learn English easily without any problems. India wasn’t an option because I thought I wouldn’t get the international exposure in India because of the similarities in the language and cultures. I also didn’t choose Canada because of the weather conditions over there. Very lowest temperature over there.

Australia is a pioneer in innovation and technology. I had once read somewhere that Australia is a fairly new country but the speed with which it has caught up with the other developed nations of the world and in fact, has overtaken them in some aspects has truly impressed me. Many Australian universities fall on the top universities of the world among thousands, which is a feat not many have been able to achieve. Australian education system offers diversity, affordability and freedom. Students can choose from thousands of courses from hundreds of institutions. Even though not all universities and colleges are branded as “top”, the education that they impart can be said to be top since they have global recognition. Another good thing about studying in Australia is the immense cultural diversity it has. Since a lot of international students choose Australia as their study destination, Australia has become a vibrant nation with cultures from all over the world which makes it easy for me to mingle among the crowd, make friends and learn the ways of the world.

Some other reasons why Australia is superior to other study destinations is because of the laws that protect the rights of international students such as ESOS act, TPS etc. ESOS provides tuition protection for international students. The tuition Protection Service (TPS) is a placement and refund service for international students. The principal objectives of ESOS Act and ESOS National Code are to provide tuition assurance and refunds for overseas students for courses, for which they have paid and to protect and enhance Australia’s reputation for quality training services and complement Australia’s migration laws by ensuring they collect and report relevant information to student visas. While doing research in other countries like the UK, I am unable to find a TPS system and there is no PSW opportunity as well. Also, I compared the currency conversion between USD, GBP and AUD where I found AUD is more economical compared to other currencies which will cost low to complete my course. I also consulted with the students who are already studying in Australia and collected feedback from them and received very good responses about Australian education system, teaching quality in Universities and Colleges, safety, climate etc. So, after doing deep research about Australia and other countries I found that Australia is a suitable place for me. I think there are many affordable universities and collage in Australia for Nepalese student.



Australia is home to many top universities of the world and is renowned for quality education. Before I set out to select the most suitable university for me, I had to acknowledge that this was going to be a hard task. Since I couldn’t possibly do this on my own, I got some help from many consultancies, I visited education fairs, I consulted with some experts, and not all of them pointed towards UNIVERSITY NAME. I had a handful of other options from where I could choose. Among them were James Cook University, Queensland University of Technology, Central Queensland University, Charles Darwin University, RMIT University, Griffith University, Murdoch University and University of South Australia. Through the help of the Internet, I realised that these were regarded as the best education providers in Australia. But I could only choose one among them, and I had to pick one that suited the best for me.


Starting with the expenses, the universities whose course fees were expensive had to be crossed out, such as Queensland University of Technology (Masters in Science Agriculture – AUD 39,200 a year), RMIT University (cMasters in Agricultural Science- AUD 36,480 a year), James Cook University (Masters in Agricultural Svience (hons) – AUD 33,280 a year) Murdoch University (Msc in Agriculture- AUD 32,803 a year) and University of South Australia (Msc in Agriculture- AUD 34,100 a year). While Charles Darwin University, Griffith University and Central Queensland University offered the same course for affordable annual costs of AUD 31,560, AUD 31,500 and AUD 56400 ( For total course) respectively, they all were three years long. If I studied in USQ, I can graduate from my Masters degree a year earlier which will definitely give me a headstart in the job market.


UNIVERSITY NAME, not only offers a Masters degree at the most affordable cost but also the major it offers many science related course is the most suitable for me. USQ is a medium sized, regional university based in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. It offers courses in various areas such as Business and Commerce, Creative Arts and Media, Education, Engineering and Built Environment, Health and Community, Humanities and Communication, Information Technology, Law and Justice, Sciences, Research, English Language and Pathway Programs, and Professional Development. Established in 1967 as the Darling Downs campus of the Queensland Institute of Technology, it became the UNIVERSITY NAME in 1992. And there has been no looking back since then. According to Good universities guide, 2018, USQ is the number 1 university in Queensland for graduate employability*, and takes pride in its student-focused teaching and learning methods. And there’s nothing more I would want from a university than the total focus it gives on a student’s success which is proven by how employable they become. I also used website such as https://www.hotcoursesabroad.com/m https://www.usq.edu.au/about-usq/why-usq and respected website of other above mentioned Universities to complete my research



The reason why I was interested in taking on this course is that it matched my educational background. Furthermore I also have completed bachelor in the same subject. Masters in Agricultural science is 2 years full time course. This course provides education and training to student to service the public and private agriculture farm and industry. Masters of Agricultural science includes 16 courses and orientation will start on 14 February 2022.


The scope of studying this course is vast, not just in Australia or in Nepal but all over the world. After doing this course, I will be able to do something in the agricultural field including research, technical, advisory and commercial roles. Among many things, I will be able to learn not just theoretical but also largely practical skills in the agriculture sciences with in-depth knowledge in one or more specialist disciplines. The techniques that I will learn will be to collect, organise, analyse and interpret agro science literature and laboratory data using appropriate experimental, computational, statistical and technological approaches. Some soft and vital skills that this course will teach me are to work independently or collaboratively in teams to critically and creatively analyse issues and develop appropriate solutions to complex problems across a range of cultural, institutional, national and global contexts and demonstrate a working knowledge of ethical, professional and workplace health and safety requirements in research and agro vet laboratories. I collected course information from the webling https://www.usq.edu.au/study/degrees// mastersinagriculturalscience and also reserached about the career opportunity from https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-career-outlook-for-a-agricultural sectionst and also used many other websites to know more about the course and its career exit outcome.



Toowoomba is located a short 90 minutes from Brisbane, two hours from the Gold and Sunshine Coasts. It is Australia’s second most populous inland city, but its population of approximately 160,000 is still a long way off millions in the great cities in Australia. The economy is growing and along with it its employment. It provides the best of both worlds – urban and regional. USQ is an environmental-friendly institution; it has made considerable effort in reducing the carbon footprint in and around its campuses, following an effective sustainable approach which makes it all the more appealing. Living options in Toowoomba can be found on the Internet with the help of various websites which I have mentioned below. Since USQ is a big university, there won’t be any problems of accommodation and also the costs will be a lot lesser than living in bigger cities such as Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane.



After the completion of my course, I will return back to my own country after doing PSW in Australia. If I am unable to find the PSW also I will have Australian degree on my hand which will be enough to get the competitive job in my course related field. If I am able to get PSW that will be another plus point for me. I believe that I will be capable of exploring my valuable knowledge and practical skills gained during the time period I stay in Australia towards the upgrade and growth in the development of the health science field in my country. I would look forward to working in various agro-vet and farm sector services like – soil management services, public agro-vet and farm services, cash crops business and so on. The best Company in Nepal such as Biratnagar sugar company, B & B Mustard oil company and some agro farm etc are where I want to work since the technology that they use is deemed the best in the country.


As you know Nepal is agricultural country. Around 80% people are based on agriculture over here. There are many procedures and techniques are old- system based. Experimental dsign and analysis of Agro-food research,insect ecology and behaviour, agricultural technology and innovation, agricultural landscape systems, plantpathology, crop physiology,Agronomy , Horticultural science are related in this subject.


Similarly, I would like to work in various NGOS and INGOS like UNDP, UNSAID, etc. to broaden my knowledge. While working in those organizations initially I will get a salary of NRS 70,000 – NPR 80,000 per month, which I believe will be increased as I gain more experience in future. I will get promoted to an initial level job to senior level job in future where my salary will cross 1 lakh per month. This earning will shortly recover my study investment as well. There are many fields that I can apply my skills and learned knowledge in such as clinical analysis, public health, industry, research and even education with possible job positions such as Soil checking sector,animal production systems, lower life form ( insects and plant disease) The aforementioned jobs can be seen as advertised in either newspapers or on websites such as www.jobs nepal.com, www.merojob.com, www.ramrojob.com, www.jobejee.com etc. The career of an international graduate takes wings a lot easier and faster than that of a local graduate since I have already mentioned that the education system of Nepal isn’t as good compared to foreign universities. The employers understand this very clearly so their preference is mostly for people who have had an experience studying practically in universities from overseas. Sadly, there is also a remuneration gap among these two different types of graduates. Investing to study abroad definitely is worth it since the earnings are high and tend to go higher a lot faster. Also, an international degree will open the door to work at the international level for the same job positions and will get a high salary in middle east, European countries etc. I will give my first priority for the job in my home country Nepal but if I am unable to find a competitive job in Nepal I can also apply for the international job based on my degree from Australia.



My family – father in law and mother in law are going to finance my studies and our stay in Australia through various sources. My father in law is retired police offices while my mother in law is farmer. She earn money by Agricultural production such as cash crops like sugercane, mustard,coffee ,millet,wheat,rice etc.Ltd and we have medical pharma which is driven by my brother in law and sister in law. My family’s annual source of income is good, and my husband worked at security office (Name) which is good office of Nepal, hence, is AUD 24,058.70 a year. In the same way, we have a lots of property for agricultural income. I believe their annual income should be enough to cover my expenses in Australia. Moreover, my father-in-law has a bank balance of NPR 3,903,555.73 (AUD 47,937.56) at Bank  and that fund will be used for my further study in Australia. Also, my father in law owns property worth    AUD 218,608.46.



The job industry for Masters in Agricultural Science is vast and full of opportunities in Nepal. I understand that the pay range in Nepal might not be as much as it may be abroad, however, our families are quite settled in Nepal so we won’t have to worry about starting anew and buying houses and such. The earnings and expenses are well balanced giving one so much room for saving. I do not want to have to start worrying about starting a family away from my own existing family. I know I will have a bright future in Nepal with my education and experience, so I would definitely come back to Nepal after graduation. I have very strong ties with my family, culture in Nepal and also its my responsibilities to take care of my family members. So, I will be back to my home country after completing my qualification from Australia. Beside this we have lot of land on our home country, and I want to modify some extra latest technique in agriculture.



I am aware of the various obligations which are abided for a student like me to acquire international master degrees in Australia and they are as follows;

  • I need to maintain 80%


  • I am allowed to work 40 hours per fortnight on a part time
  • I must be maintaining 50% pass rate throughout my study
  • I need to maintain overseas student health cover (OSHC) insurance until I remain in
  • I must notify the College within 7 days if I change the address/contact


I am fully aware of the consequences for breaching my visa conditions and have no intention of breaching any of the conditions. My total focus will be on finishing my intended course of study as soon as possible and return to my country and begin my career. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing me to express myself. I have provided all the documents; I will abide by the rules and regulations Immigration Department. I look forward to the opportunity to study here in Australia at USQ and develop my skills to enhance my employability. 


I declare that the particulars given above are true and correct in every detail. I understand that incorrect or misleading statements may result in refusal of admission and/ or student visa application.



I would like to conclude this statement of purpose by reiterating my desire to study at UNIVERSITY NAME. I want to be able to gain valuable practical lessons from a university of your status and bring back skills and knowledge that would not only give me a competitive edge but also a name in our society.

Hoping to get a positive response from you.

Yours Sincerely,

Applicant Name


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