Statement of Purpose

I am Applicant Name, an independent, self motivated and strong minded girl who believes that knowledge is the only one medium to change the world. I am a permanent residence of …., Nepal andfirst daughter of Parents Name and was born on DOB. I would like to get enrolled for Master of Education; Melbourne .My interest towards education is from my childhood.  My father is a teacher and I was fully inspired by them. I have done Master of Education from ……. campus. I stared my career soon after I passed my intermediate. But in the course of time I realized that my knowledge of pedagogy is needs to be upgraded. As I have already done my Master’s from my home country I decided to get internationally recognized Masters Degree. My parents are not only my caregivers but also my companion and mentor. The credit of my success goes to my parents because they gave me tremendous emotional and financial support till present and I feel lucky to have them next to me for my further study also. My parents will be sponsor to fund my education, living expenses and other costs during my stay in Australia. I would like to humbly request you to provide me with the opportunity to continue my future study from University Name


I am married to…….. .  My husband has done his schooling with 53.37 percentages and intermediate with ….  percentage.  He had worked as field officer in …….from 1st July 2007 to 27th December 2015. After that he is working in …..pvt. Ltd. From 1st August 2016 till present.  There is no gap in his career so far. I would like to have my husband accompany me during my stay in Australia during my education because I will get mental support and care during my stay in a totally unfamiliar environment. As well as the people of my society have traditional thinking that will not allow married woman to stay alone in another country.

Academic and Professional background

Moving towards my education, I have completed my school leaving certificate (SLC) from school, Nepal in the year 2007 with 48.50 percentages. From the early days of my education I was keenly interested in the field of teaching and learning second language. As per my interest I joined the education faculty having English as major subject from the same school and passed my intermediate in 2009 with 51.10 percentages. In the same year my family migrated from ….. So for Bachelor’s degree I enrolled my name in campus which is a very renowned campus in far western part of Nepal and completed B.Ed. in 2012 with 48.40 percentages. As I already mentioned my teaching career started after my intermediate, it was somehow hindrance for my study. After one year of gap to add more knowledge to my education I joined Master’s degree in the same college and completed in 2019 with 56.70 percentages.  As English is not my mother tongue I did my proficiency test in which I scored an overall 6.5 (L 7, R 7, W 6, S 6.5). I was always a struggling child in term of study.  In my school level, I was in the government school of rural area where I didn’t get much exposure and after schooling I started teaching which hampered my studies.

I always wanted to become an independent girl so after completing my intermediate I applied for the job and was appointed as lower secondary level English teacher in Measure ….. from 8th May 2009 to 7th March 2012. Due to personal issues I left the school and applied in …..  where I worked as a primary level teacher from 5th April 2012 to 7th December 2014. After that I got golden opportunity to teach in the government school named …..  school where I worked as secondary level English teacher from 2nd February 2017 to 2nd March 2019.

One of the major reasons for my one year delay in my Master’s degree after my Bachelor’s degree completion is because of my job responsibilities and actual time are full from 10am to 5pm.  But higher pressure would not allow me to continue my further study. After that gap I joined Master’s degree.

I gained a lot of knowledge from my teaching career. I got golden opportunity to explore new things everyday but at the same time I faced many problems while teaching English language. I tried to tackle them but in the course of time, I realized that my knowledge of pedagogy needs to be upgraded. So  I choose this course because by the content being taught under this course I assume that this course will sufficient for the command over teaching field.

Reasons for not choosing Nepal

Nepal is my native country and I have a lot to return to the country.. But here in my country the level of the programme is not well maintained because of the limited number of qualified professional and required resources.  The educational recognition is also very low due to low quality of education and outdated syllabus.  As I already mentioned I have already done my master of education but that degree failed to support me in practical so doing the same degree from my home country is of no worth. Beside that there are other programs in Nepal like M.Phil. That is offered in my home country under Tribhuvan University and Kathmandu University.  But the programs are not regularly updated. Moreover, the course contents are a bit kind of mixture of all rather than having specialization in core aspects. After doing Master’s I realized that the practical knowledge imparted here is not sufficient and not up to mark. As we are in the process of developing the universities of my country are not well equipped with the latest technology.

Before doing higher degree by research , I have to learn a lot. So finally I take my decision based on the logics. My home country provides programs but they lack facilities in comparison to other countries. I want to grasp the knowledge from international degree and implement that knowledge for the betterment of my county.

Reasons for Choosing Australia

When I decided to get international degree I did my detailed investigation Australia, Germany, Canada, UK, USA are the leading countries for international students education. From my research and consultation with mentor what I found is USA is too expensive in terms of living expenses and due to surge in terrorist activity these countries are considered to be not very safe for international students.  UK has high tuition fee and difficult entrance examination to crack which takes much time, cost and pressure such as GMAT, GRE and SAT etc. I found Australia as best aboard study destination.  When I decided Australia as my education destination, I went into the depth study about the country.  It has entirely English speaking multicultural, friendly and harmonious society. The education system is carefully monitored by the government of Australia, which is the proof that Australia is devoted to grant quality education to the students no matter who are they, national or international. Dynamic and progressive educational programmes with a reputation for excellence, globally recognised Australian degree and enjoyable and relaxed lifestyle make Australia the first Choice of international students.

Another major factor is that Australia practices ESOS Act (Education Service for Overseas Students) for international students and enables our right to receive accurate information before enrolment on current courses fees, mode of study and other information about institution. Similarly, it also has CRICOS (Commonwealth registration of institutions and courses for overseas students), an important feature of Australian education system that ensures quality education to international students.  Along with that, TPS (Tuition Protection Scheme) of Australia deals for safe and secure fees for international students. This is how any international student can enjoy an unparalleled level of service and financial protection. Thus, I am sure that I will receive quality education in Australia without any hassles. Hence, I prefer Australia to acquire Master’s Degree because I feel that the education provided fits excellently into my career path and I believe it will challenge and stimulate me, and help me reach my potential.


Besides that Australia’s generous policy of allowing working 20hrs per week for international student’s education their study period in Australia is another cause of my attraction to this country because such kind of work permit can be assistive to afford some part of my living expenses and to gain work experience in my field of interest. Australia also offers excellent value for money and a standard of living that is among the highest in the world.  Living expenses and tuition coast in Australia are considerably less expensive than the UK and USA.


Melbourne is the capital and most populous city of Australia, state of Victoria and the second most populous city in Australia. For the education purpose, it is the one of the most desired city. Apart from study there are many places to explore like Melbourne cricket ground,werribe open range zoo, Melbourne star etc.


University Name as my education provider

After doing a detailed survey and web exercise, I shortlisted handful of universities in Australia that matches with my educational qualification and academic requirement, financial structure, accessibility and rating by other students, such as university of Wollongong, Queensland university of technology, southern cross university, the university of Norterdame Australia, University Name, university of Canberra, Edith Cowan university for master of education. After a long brain storming I found that all the universities provides good course of master of Education but University Name  has all the qualities that I am searching.  The fee of other universities and course content didn’t match my requirements but University Name is a private university that prepare international students with the skills and knowledge they need to be employment ready, communicate and collaborate with diverse culture. So it became my first choice.


Learning in this pathway approach will help me gain practical understanding of the theoretical concepts. I strongly believe that University Name  and its excellent professors and faculty members will provide me path to my goals and help me throughout the course to polish and develop my skills to emerge as a competent professional in the future workplace. The teaching facilities, resources, laboratories and libraries are well equipped with modern technologies. I chose University Name because of the above mentioned factors along with its international recognition where graduates are exposed to best career and employment prospects.  University Name  proudly offers a career counseling, recruitment support, career monitoring program, career support for HDR student, I am glad that I have chosen University Name  for its quality of education at affordable price. It also provide us with many personal and professional benefits, allowing us to use our skills for a meaningful purpose, learn a new skill, gain experience, broaden our networks, meet new people and make friends, improve our resume and enhance our employability skills.


Finally, comparing these data I found University Name to be the best suited for me. I found reasonable fee, well qualified faculties including well managed and furnished class room and laboratories. Availability of those facilities in the premises of University Name helped me to make my decision to choose this university even easier. Moreover, the scholarship which will be provided by University Name is outstanding.


Reasons for Choosing Master of Education

From my childhood days I was keenly interested in the field of education.  Following my interest I have done Master of Education specialization in English from …. Campus. As already mentioned I started teaching after passing +2, my teaching career gave me a lot of experience, wisdom and opportunities to develop my professional career. But with the passing time I realized that I need to be updated.  I started studying articles and books. Finally I decided to do master of education from a well known international institution because the knowledge that I got from my home country failed to work in practice.


In teaching, ‘how to teach’ is as equally crucial as ‘what to teach’.  Even after my graduation in English under the faculty of Education I find myself in need to be familiar with the technical and pedagogical aspects of English language and linguistics. It’s because any teacher’s success is measured in his skill to make students learn the taught contents in simple, inspiring and motivational way. So I am confirm that this course Master of  Education will deliver me the robust theoretical and practical foundation for teaching English as a second language  and will advance my classroom skills to maximize student learning.  For me this course is the best one to enhance my leadership and teaching potential and to make me creative and innovative in regard with teaching strategies. Certainly, this course gives me the broader understanding for recognizing the cultural, linguistic and other barriers in the acquisition of English as second language and removing them constructively. 

I chose this course because by the contents being taught under this course I am assured that this course fuels me sufficiently for the sound command of pedagogy and will help me to become a professional teacher.

Career plans after completion of my course

After getting globally recognised Master of Education degree along with a lot of knowledge and expertise, I will return to my home country, Nepal to build my career as a competent professional teacher possessing strong expertise in the field of education. There are various options for me in Nepal after completion of my Master’s degree.  I can work as a professor in the top universities of Nepal like Tribhuvan University, Phokhara University, Far Western University and Kathmandu University.  Similarly I can work with different NGOS and INGOS, educational sectors, schools and many more.  However I want to follow my childhood dream of being a well known successful teacher.  I  want to work for the betterment of government schools especially of rural areas. The situation of government schools is worst now days. Parents want to send their Children to private schools.  It is assumed that government schools lack facilities and competent teachers. On the other hand the competent teachers always choose cities rather than remote areas. For that I have to pass teacher service commission of Nepal.  I am pretty sure that I will achieve the goal .This degree is highly job securing and high salary fetching in Nepal. After completion of my Master’s degree,  I except a job edge no less than NPR 50,000 to 70000 per month. I will get priority while applying to the job. After acquiring the desired degree in Master of Information Systems, I see wide opportunities back in Nepal and will be able to secure a good position at a respectable organization.


Talking about my long term career plan ,   I want to do a higher degree by research. Research is an answer to every question.  That will help me to tackle the problems coming in the field of education. Foremost, I will return to my home country after finishing my education. I am oldest child of my parents. My siblings are too young to take their responsibilities. As I am married I have to take care of my mother in law. Another reason to come back is that I genuinely want to do better in the field of education in my home country.


My Understanding of Visa Subclass 500 Student

As an international student, I have to apply under Visa Subclass 500 which allows us to stay in Australia during full time study in are recognized educational institutions.


There are certain terms and conditions of this subclass 500 student visa. They are

  • I must submit a Conformation of Enrolment (COE) for all intended courses.
  • I must satisfy the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) for student Visa.
  • I cannot change my Australian Qualification Framework (AQF).
  • I need to maintain 80% attendance.
  • I must have to notify to University/DIBP if I change address/contact details within seven working days.
  • I need to clear 50% subjects in each term.
  • I am allowed to work 40 hours per fortnight on part time basis.
  • I must have a valid health insurance during my stay in Australia.
  • I cannot change the university for six months upon enrolment.


   Lastly, I will meet all the above demands and will try my best to be an asset to your globally reputed university. If opportunities are granted, I will study with full- diligence and will give my hundred percent to make a crucial contribution to my fieldof work.


Yours sincerely,

Applicant Name






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