Statement of Purpose (DIP01POU)


University Name

Perth, Australia

I am, Applicant Name, a resident of Mechinagar Municipality, Ward no-10, Nepal. I am the youngest child of my parents with two elder brothers to me. My Father, Parent’s name is the Chairman of Company Name in Jhapa. He also owns a book house called Company Name. The bigger sibling of me, Mr Sibling’s name is a Programme Director Company Name. My bigger sister in law, Mrs Sister in law’s name is a marketing manager of Company Name at Mechi Zone. The next sibling of mine, Mr Sibling’s name is a citizen of the UK.  My parents and my siblings are my primary source to fund me for my study in abroad.

In relation to my academic qualification, I have completed my school leaving certificate from School Name with Score % in year A.D and 10+2 in year A.D from Higher Secondary Education Board with Score %. I then joined Bachelors with a lot of goals and dreams for my life.  The desire to prove myself guided my cherished ambition and completed my “Bachelor of Science Physics” from College name in 2009 securing 61% and Masters in Physics from Mahendra Morang Campus with 53.70% in year A.D. As a working experience I got an ample opportunity to assist Mr. Writer’s name, writer of Publication name. This publication house has been working on producing quality books as per the syllabus of Nepal government, since its establishment on year A.D. After spending two years as an assistant writer I have been engaged as a lecturer since then. While working I felt keen desire to have further study in Masters in Project Management and for the requirement of further study in abroad I took the IELTS class and scored overall XX in my IELTS test.

 While surfing in different websites in the internet, I searched about UK USA and Australian education system where I fascinated by Australia education. I preferred Australia as it is one of the most emerging popular education hubs for international students. It provides world-class education system is based on practical education and a better platform for the students. With a huge range of study option and curriculum for the students with a global approach, Australia also provides a competitive environment with up to date infrastructure. Furthermore, the climatic conditions are similar to my home country. Australia also provides post-study work after the completion of the course which will be much more beneficial for the students to utilize the education in the related field. The lack of practical education teaching in our country and the highly reputed Universities and their practical based teaching system in Australia helped me to select Australia as my study destination. Moreover, the degree of Australia is globally recognized and the Australian graduates are successfully finding their jobs worldwide. Comparing with the USA and UK, the tuition fees and living costs are lower in Australia. The Universities here provide various ranges of scholarships, which helps to lower the cost of education. In addition, Australia is a safe, harmonious and friendly society where students get motivated to learn and travel. The international students in Australia can work longer hours comparing to other countries allowing gaining work experience. I am also aware of Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS). With the help of ESOS, Students can receive the required information related to course admission, written agreements related to fees, refunds and admission process from institutions and its agents. Furthermore, PSW which is provided after the completion of the course will help me to gain more knowledge and experience in my chosen field while studying in Australia

Talking about the universities, I chose university Name for obtaining the Master of Project Management due to various reasons. Firstly, the university Name is ranked as the top public university in Australia for student satisfaction. Secondly, the industrial links of university Name will help me to get hands-on experience while studying. Also, the practical learning strategy, high calibre staff with extensive experience also pulled me toward university Name. The chances of being with around 30000 undergraduate and postgraduate students from more than 100 countries leading to multicultural and supportive learning environment also convinced me. The affordability of this course and the internationally recognized degree would let me have a prosperous future in Nepal.

Though I have completed my Master Degree in Physics, the lack of practical education in my country made me to the thought that something is lacking in my education. With very few exposures in my learning, I am challenged to build my career in my academic field. At present, I want to pursue a Master of Project Management in university Name.  The principal reason that motivated me to pursue the Master of Project Management course is the career opportunity that I will be receiving in Nepal. There are very few people related to this field and they are living economically sound life here at Nepal. Also, the appeal and challenge project manager experience in delivering an assignment that undertakes in their career attracted me. The qualifications indeed lead to very smart and modern careers for those who love challenges, creative leadership and success. As a master of physics, I have cultivated these features in my student life. Now, further, I would like to take my chance of attaining formal skills in the area of project management.

From my research, I saw that project management is the application of skills, knowledge and techniques to meet the objectives of a project and stake holder’s expectations. It involves managing and organizing resources and people in such a way that a planned project is completed in the correct way and on time, project are required to be managed efficiently for accuracy on-time delivery within a set budget and according to project specification. Therefore, along with management and administration, there are needs for mathematical calculations and this is where I find vested interest in the subject following my current qualification and I believe I would make a very successful project manager.

As for my academic strength, I have completed my MSc in Physics. This study requires subtle accuracy and challenging traits of character to find a solution. This study also involves a structured process, method, skills and application to achieve the targeted outcomes I find a similar academic process and learning objectives in project management course. In fact, project managers are expected to know about the project costs and benefits which they may know by mathematics, a part of the study in MSc Physics. Therefore, there is quite an intimate relationship between my current qualification, knowledge, skills and the Masters of project management, I aspire to study. I can bring forward the transferrable skills and competencies that I have gained from my study of physics to complement this project management course and make the study more interesting and attached.

Studying at Master level for a course like a project management that offers skills – set would enhance my current academic level with advanced and newer knowledge, skills and professional discourse. From the study, I will learn to solve complex problems and make a decision using appropriate techniques, and to provide realistic contexts and situations in relation to project management in which to apply and modify concepts and principles to solve problems. I will be equipped to critically evaluate information and develop my sense of inquiry analysis and application of data, understand a wide range of specific management practices and techniques together with their application to the management of projects.

This degree on the addition will equip me with a mix of analytical and problem solving business-related skills with a very strong emphasis on relevant international challenges and issues. I will not only gain new perspectives and ways of addressing projects, but I will also develop other important soft skills which will enhance my value to employers- for example; presentation and report-writing skills, negotiation skills, the team want and leadership skills in research design and analysis, ability to maintain a tight work schedule and meet a deadline. These are key transferrable skills within this field. These go hand – in – hand with the standards, methodologies, theories and concepts which I will gain throughout the course of study.

By the end of the course, I will be able to plan my project effectively, estimating time factors accurately and handling the work of different project efficiently. I will recognize the different stakeholders involved in the project and be able to devise strategies for each of them. I will have useful tools for risks analysis which I can apply to a wide range of situation and I will be able to cost the different elements of my project accuracy and monitor my project budget.

After completion of my course at university Name, I prefer my own country to share my knowledge and experience. I have been raised in a family that has always upheld the responsibilities of life and accountability to one’s native grounds. Receiving an affiliation from the reputed university as university Name I understand the value of it, and it will help me immensely in attending a qualified position to work here in Nepal. Thus, I consider this program to be an important stepping stone to a successful career path with the uniqueness of the university in leadership, innovation and support. I will abide by Australian laws and will not break any student visa condition while staying in Australia. So, when I return to Nepal with this premier qualification, I will be in demand for a prestigious career at reputed companies. There are wide ranges of international companies investing in our economy in the field of science relating to health, herbs, and mountains and also in the housing, education, clothing sector. I am confident I will avail a position as a project supervisor at the list immediately after I graduate in next 5 years, I can develop the career to a higher level and become a project manager, project director or can work as a freelancer or open outsourcing company in the area. It would be a life-changing opportunity indeed.

I am a married man. And it has been almost 2 beautiful years since I got married. My spouse will accompany me to Australia. Since we have been living together beautifully, I can hardly think of taking any further steps by staying away from her. Her company provides me extra energy making me strong mentally and emotionally. I will be able to focus on my studies as she would be doing the household works and even shopping for both of us. I won’t be spending a lot of time chatting with her online, I wish her to accompany me to Australia. We have got no children and have no plan to have any for some years.

I am applying for a student visa. Hereby I want to assure you that I understand these conditions:

  • Continue studying ( I will not be able to change my education provider for at least 6 months, I am not allowed to change from SVP to any SVP educational provider)
  • Notify Address (I need to notify address to my education provider and if by any circumstances I change my address the university has to be informed immediately)
  • Work limitation ( I will only be able to work for 20 hours per week)
  • Overseas student health cover ( Health insurance is a most during entire stay and study period in Australia)
  • Maintain eligibility (80% attendance required, 50% subjects due to regular classes and minimum passing marks required


I look forward to a positive response to my application and hope to get an opportunity to study in your University


Thanking you

Applicant name

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