Statement of Purpose (DIP01DAR)

I would like to introduce myself as Applicant Name, daughter of Mr. parent’s name  and Mrs. parent’s name  . My current location is Place name, and Place name according to my passport. The date of my birth is D.O.B and I am XX years old. I am married to Mr. Spouse name (son of Mr. Parents’ in law name and Mrs Parents’ in law), permanent resident of Place name. The date of our marriage is Year A.D. He has completed his bachelor’s degree in Humanities and Social Science in the Year A.D. My family has always supported me in everything especially in studies and related activities. Now, I am willing to pursue my further study in Australia with the support and encouragement of my family and relatives.

Academic Background

Talking about my educational background, I have completed my School Leaving Certificate (SLC) from School name with distinction (score%) in Year A.D, Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB) in Science from College name  with second division (score%) in Year A.D. I have been observing attractive buildings and structures of our country Nepal as well as many other countries which attracts me towards architecture. My desire to learn about it more makes me to decide to pursue my undergraduate education in Architecture from Kathmandu Engineering College and I successfully completed the study in Year A.D with second division (score%)on aggregate and the transcript was issued to me in Year A.D. To make myself more flexible and to gain more exposure related to my file, I intend to continue my further study in abroad. Thus, I appeared in IELTS test examination in Year A.D and got a total score of XX with XX in Listening, XX in Reading, XX in Writing and XX in Speaking.

I have not involved in any kind of employment. But I have worked as a trainee architect for XX months in Company Name. Internship is a part of our course which is done in fourth year. I was also involved in different architectural exhibitions either inside the college or outside the college. It has helped me to gain extra knowledge and experiences. Involvement in these kinds of exhibitions help me to learn about management, leadership and team work.

Reasons for choosing Australia over other countries

Australia has become the third most popular destination to study for international students because there are top ranked and well reputed universities. All most all universities are globally recognized. The main reason to choose Australia is because of its high-quality education and reasonable tuition fee with laid-back nature. It is multicultural and English-speaking country with friendly natives. Australian education focuses on both theoretical as well as practical knowledge. They provide practical and international exposures to international students.They provide a variety of courses and degrees which give students a wide range of options. Australia offers an educational experience that make a real difference in life. They believe in providing education in such a way that students get encouraged to be innovative, creative and think independently. The excellence in education has lead Australia to win more than 15 Nobel prizes. Australian Government invests more than A$200 million each year in international scholarship which attracts students and motivate them to grab the opportunity.

Furthermore, there is the Tuition Protection Scheme (TPS) under the ESOS Act for international students which is provided in Australia only. This makes sure that students like me are safe against any risks. Australia also provides Post Study Work (PSW) opportunities. After the completion the degree, students are eligible for 2 years of PSW which means not only I get to achieve high-quality education but also get a golden opportunity to earn world class experience in my relevant field of study. This helps me to be more confident and professional in my career.  Australia is well known for adopting new technologies at a faster rate than in most of the countries. Facilities for teaching, training and research are provided at its best with classroom, laboratories, outstanding libraries and modern technology. The other reason is Australia has the most vibrant cities in the world. They are safe and clean with low crime rates. The climatic condition is also favourable. The flexibility and excellency in education with a safe and enthusiastic environment attract the students in Australia.

Though there are other countries which also provide high quality education, I choose Australia because of its affordable living expenses, tuition fee and safe environment. While other countries like USA, UK, Canada have high expenses and the weather condition is too extreme and unsuitable. The crime rate is relatively very high in these countries. Frequently, we are hearing the news of attacks and crimes in USA, UK and other countries. Also, the European countries have language barriers as English is not their first language. Thus, Australia is an ideal country for me to continue my further study after analyzing all the facts.

Reasons for choosing Melbourne

Melbourne is one of the vibrant cities in the world. The city is also known as Cultural Capital of Australia which means we can experience the diversity of culture and festivals. Melbourne comes on the first position of most livable cities in the world according to “The Global Liveability Report 2017”. Melbourne received a score of 97.5 out of 100 on the annual list, which assesses stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and infrastructure in 140 different cities. The city is busy yet serene where students can learn with peace mind alongside with nature. Moreover, there are top ranked universities and colleges which provide wide range of opportunities and facilities for students.

Reasons for choosing College name

Before applying for College name, I have researched for various colleges and universities like Monash, RMIT, La Trobe, Torrens, ECU and many more. I also researched about their course, location, fee structure and requirements. On the basis of research and suggestion from agent, I found College name suitable for me. College name is one of the globally ranked colleges. It is a well known and reputed college in Australia. The facilities for my course in this college suits my needs and requirements. Because of its affordable fee structure and location, I choose College name over other universities and colleges. I would consider it a privilege to study in such a renowned college. College name offers a refreshing environment which will give a platform to explore my interest and give a definite direction to my goals. The programs of College name are flexible, customized, experimental and reflective learning. I am eagerly waiting to approach this program with enthusiasm and hard work and use the opportunity to advance my learning and skills professionally. Further, I came to know that the staffs and lecturers of this college are very friendly and cooperative. There are many colleges and universities providing Project Management, but not exactly MBPM. Though, they do not fit in my criteria. Monash University and RMIT have very high fee structure. And some of the preferred universities are not available in my chosen location. So, College name is the one with a reasonable tuition fee and preferred location.

Universities/ Colleges Comparison Table

Name of Universities/ Colleges

Fee Structure (Annual)


University name

AUD Amount

Project Management

University name

AUD Amount

Project Management

University name

AUD Amount


University name

AUD Amount

Project Management

Why not Nepal for further education?

There is only one university i.e. University name which has Project Management in its course but only in a small portion. There is no Master of Business and Project Management program specifically in our country. Through the education of our country is good but it deficits a wide range of courses as well as international standards. There are limited options of programs and they are also restricted to theoretical knowledge only. The universities and colleges of Nepal lack practical knowledge and exposures. Our education system lacks proper infrastructures and resources to gain skills and understanding related to the course which is hampering the studies of students. Unnecessary holidays and striking occur time by time here which disturb our education. Being a genuine student, I deserve not only good but high-quality education in my selected course from a globally recognized college. Only theoretical knowledge cannot help me grow my practical and critical abilities and I will not be able to work professionally in future. Seeking for high-quality education with proper resources and practical exposures in my interested course lead me to choose abroad for my further study. 

Reasons for choosing particular course

I chose Master of Business and Project Management for my further study because every profession should have knowledge of managing different kinds of projects. Similarly, being an architect, I also want to have knowledge of project management. This course will give me knowledge about initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing of the projects. Architects are involved in different kinds of projects in cooperation with different organizations such as private, government, NGO and INGO. And every company requires project managers to run their projects as well as the company. This course will make me capable of handling any kinds of projects in a skilful and professional manner. Architects having knowledge of project management surely have a huge scope. Realizing the importance of project managers with high scope, I decided to undertake this course for my further study.

Today, the whole world is in the phase of development. Every nation is more developed in the context of everything compared to the past and further, it goes on in future. Likewise, in the field of architecture also, everything is growing rapidly with advance resources and technology. Many architects are well known about architecture only. They lack knowledge and skill for managing the projects. This may lead in failure of work also. So, in my opinion, architects should have understanding in project management as well. This will enhance their knowledge and innovation as well as they will learn to manage and control the budget. Moreover, MBPM graduates will gain knowledge of leadership, teamwork and high level of professional skill and attitude. These kinds of things grab my attention towards a Master in Business and Project management. There are only a few architects having knowledge of project management in our country. This shows that I will not have to wait for landing a good job with attractive salary after returning to my home country.

Moving towards course structure, it is 2 years (4 semesters) program. The fee of the program is AUD amount annually. There is a total of 12 unit of study (8 core units + 4 Elective plus Research Project). The program location is College Name. Some of the course structures are as follows:

  1. Professional Development and Ethics
  2. Project Management Fundamentals
  3. Project Quality, Risk and Procurement Management
  4. Project Delivery Systems
  5. Leadership and Change Management (Elective)
  6. Financial Management (Elective)

Future Career Plan

There is a high demand for architects in Nepal. Even the undergraduate ones get satisfied salary. So, I am hoping for more attractive remuneration after graduating from this college having knowledge of both architecture and business and project management. I will be working as both an architect and project manager. I am hoping for NRS Amount monthly which is a good start and after getting some work experience, the salary will definitely increase.

Some of the companies, I would like to work in are as follows:

  1. CE Construction
  2. Creative Design Architects Pvt. Ltd.
  3. Design Shell
  4. Society of Nepalese Architects (SONA)
  5. Innovative Creatures Pvt. Ltd.
  6. Civil Homes

After the completion of my study, I will return to my home country Nepal. There are high job prospects in my country for engineers and architects as I mentioned before. With the increasing population, the demand of people living in a comfortable environment is also increasing. And architect are the ones who fulfil the dream of people and create standard and pleasant surroundings for them whether it would be their home or office or any plazas and parks. In past years, people were not that much concerned about their homes and other buildings. But in recent years, the scope of architects has boomed because people want to make their buildings more beautiful, attractive and cosy. Even malls, companies and offices are increasing day by day which automatically increases the demand of architects. Architects are hired not only for exterior but also for interior design. It has become very important to hire architects to design and build any types of buildings. There are many government and private companies, NGO and INGO which are seeking for good architects. Today architects are also involved in the development of a country such as in urban and rural development. And being an Australian degree holder with the understanding of architecture as well as business and project management, it will certainly make it easier to find a good job in reputed companies. I will be eligible to work professionally after gaining enough knowledge and skills from reputed college. Observing the growth of architecture in past and recent years, I see a huge demand of architects and I am confident about my successful career in this field in the future.

Reasons to return back

Being a successful and confident person in my related field is my dream since my college days. I have a huge desire of doing something good for my country as well as my family. More than that, I grew up here with my family and relatives building a strong emotional bond. My family has done a huge sacrifice to make me what I am today. They have helped me to fulfil my each and every dream. I feel great and lucky to be part of such a family. I want to make them happy and proud in return of unconditional love and care they have given me till now. And being successful in my career in front of their eyes makes them more than happy. Besides that, I am raised in a Hindu community surrounded by many cultures, tradition and festivals. These customs and rituals bind me more with my family, relatives, friends and country. I do not want to miss all these things and also, I cannot afford to miss them at all. So, there is no intention to stay in Australia after the completion of my study. The main and only purpose to visit abroad is to gain high-quality education and international degree with lots of practical experiences. My country needs more literate and professional youths like me for development. Moreover, my husband who will be travelling with me is the only son of his parents. We must carry the responsibility of our parents and take care of them in their old age. Therefore, I will be staying in my hometown for the rest of my life serving for my family and country after returning from Australia.

Financial Agreements

The expenses of my education will be paid for by my family. My parents and parents’ in law will be sponsoring for my abroad study.As all of them are job holders, they are capable of paying all my study as well as living expenses in Australia. Besides that, we have sufficient property and income sources. Along with that, we have enough bank balance at Bank Name. which will be used for my education and living expenses in Australia. My father works in Company Name Works as a Senior Mechanic and draws a salary of NRS Amount annually. My mother works in Company Name. as Teller In charge and her annual income is NRS Amount. My father -in -law works in Company Name as Senior Accountant and mother- in -law as Field Supervisor in Company Name. They have an annual income of NRS Amount and NRS Amount respectively. Rent is another source of income in both homes. My parents and parents’ in law receive annually NRS Amount and NRS Amount respectively as rental income. It clearly shows we have enough income for abroad study and I have provided all the relevant financial documents.

Reasons for accompanying my spouse with me in Australia

My husband will be travelling with me in Australia because we are together for a long time and it been more than a year that we got married. So, I do not want to be apart from him. Since I am going to a new place, I want him to be there supporting me both emotionally and morally. In his presence, I will not feel homesick and he will help me in household works. Then, I will be more focused and dedicated to my study.

We will be searching for an apartment near the college area. This will help me to save my time and transportation cost. After the research, I came to know minimum AUD Amount is required for rent plus utilities (electricity, gas, water, internet) per weekly. Besides that, we must arrange money for foods, transportation and other miscellaneous activities. All our living cost and expenses will be sponsored by our family (my parents and parents’ in law).

Visa Conditions

Being a student and applying for a student visa I am aware of the obligations for students under higher education visa sub class 500 as mentioned below:

  1. I need to maintain 80% attendance throughout my course duration.
  2. I need to have OSHC (Overseas Student Health Cover) for duration for my stay in Australis.
  3. I should pay my fee before due date.
  4. I cannot change my education provider for six months upon enrollment.
  5. I need to maintain 50% pass grade throughout my study period.
  6. I need to update the education provider about the residential address within 7 days of arrival and must notify the campus while changing the residential address.

Furthermore, I would like to inform you that me and my husband do not have any immigration history.


Applicant Name

Passport Number:

Date of Birth:

Email id:

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