Student (primary visa holder)

Part-time works can be very helpful in maintaining living expenses and if related to the study field can enhance the learning experience. International students are likely to find part-time work in retails, tourism and hospitality, agricultural sectors, etc.  Newspapers and online advertisements, campus and friends can be helpful sources for knowing job opportunities.

Though you can arrive in Australia on your student visa up to 90 days before your course starts, you are not allowed to begin working until your course has started. Before you begin working, you should also obtain a Tax File Number from the Australian Tax Office. You will have permission to work up to 40 hours a fortnight when your course in session and full time when your course is not in session (during holidays).  If you have to work as a part of your course, then this will not be included in the limit and so will be the case with any unpaid or voluntary works.

Dependent family member

The primary visa holder must have commenced the course for the family members to be eligible to work. They will be awarded 40 hours a fortnight work limit at all times.

Other important information

The word limit, however, doesn’t apply to an international student and his family member who has commenced a course towards a master’s or doctoral degree in Australia.

The breach of the work condition might lead to the cancellation of your student visa.